Meduri Phanendra Kumar
Senior Architect @Cognizant Technology Solutions
My Experience with Axway Activator
Installed several number of Activators on the partner's environments.
Resolved operational issues such as
Certificate renewals
Unexpected errors
Data transmission issues
Upgrades and updates
Migrations to the new environments.
Derby database related issues.
What is Activator:
Axway Activator provides a secure, scalable gateway for B2B collaboration. The unified framework helps establish relationships with trading partners, transact business over the Internet, and integrate with back-end systems. The gateway provides flexibility in connecting to partners and legacy systems using widely used protocols, transports,
and integration methods.
Features I like:
Single JVM machine.
Works best with limited number of trading trading partners (Maximum of 6)
All the available MFT protocols such as AS1, AS2, AS3, As4, SFTP, Rosettanet, OFTP and more.
Start and stop of the service is quick in time.
Very rarely Derby related database issues.

My Experience with Axway Gateway Interchange
Advanced level of experience with Interchange.
Worked on heavy Interchange applications which has partner counts in thousands in number.
At Cardinal-health project, we managed regular Interchange and CSOS Interchange applications.
At AstraZeneca project, I was the Offshore project lead for Interchange MFT team.
At Axway Inc, worked as product support specialist for Interchange.
Resolved operational issues such as
Certificate renewals, Unexpected errors, Data transmission issues
Handled production down and issues which were beyond the scope of managed services.
Worked on Interchange flavors such as ePedigree, CSOS etc.
Upgrades and updates.
Migrations to the new environments. We worked on Project Emerald. More information can be found under Practice/Projects.
Managed hundreds of end point activators.
Performance and tuning with database, file systems, networks, configuration changes.
Different protocol setups such as Oracle JMS, MQ, OFTP, Rosettanet, AS4, WebDav, ebXML, PGP and PeSIT.
What is Interchange:
Interchange can be implemented as a single end-point solution or as a clustered, fault tolerant gateway with unlimited trading partners. The application's user interface integrates gateway management, monitoring and metrics into one view..
Features I like:
Flexible and Reliable. Easy to learn and Implement.
Community Management, Colloboration settings, Message Handler and Exchange points. More security with Secure relay.
Supports all the available MFT protocols such as AS1, AS2, AS3, As4, SFTP, Rosettanet, OFTP and more.
Start and stop of the service is quick in time.
Installation and Administration is easy. It will work on almost all the platforms and with all databases.

My Experience with Axway Secure Relay
Installed several number of XSR instances.
Troubleshot the operational issues such as
Incall, Outcall errors.
Port related, Network related errors.
Data transmission issues
Multiple XSR instances with Clustered Interchange applications.
What is Secure Relay:
Secure Relay DMZ nodes in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) or perimeter network securely relay messages from partners to the trading engine in the protected, internal network. For security reasons, DMZ nodes do not initiate connections to the protected network. DMZ nodes also do not connect to the database or write messages to the file system. Axway Secure Relaysupports inbound and outbound proxying
Features I like:
Installed in few minutes, Operates with OS Java and cab be customisable to use your own java.
Control port and data port selection.
More security from latest vulnerabilities.
Start and stop of the service is quick in time.
Very rarly issues arise.

My Experience with Axway B2Bi
Installed, Configured and tested in different platforms.
Product support for the B2Bi and responsible for key accounts.
Reproduced several number of issues in the lab that are part of Integrator and Interchange as well.
Troubleshot the operational issues such as
Files in scheduled production statuses.
Port related, Network related errors.
Data transmission issues on the Interchange side of the tool.
Problems with Agreements, Services and Components etc.
Resolved issues related to Integrator side such as port bindings, trace viewer, common paths, components etc.
Map related issues during the run time in the B2Bi server.
What is B2Bi:
B2Bi provides organizations with a set of services for exchanging electronic business documents between applications and trading partners. B2Bi is a combination of Axway Interchange and Axway Integrator (XIB). Interchcange does the MFT work and Integrator performs the Translation. B2Bi is a single platform that meet the complete needs of an Enterprise file transfers.
Features I like:
B2Bi is vast. To know completely about B2Bi, you need to know Interchange, Integrator and Mapping services.
B2Bi solution can be installed on all the available operating systems.
It can be integrated with LDAP and other SSO apps.
Custom code can be written on Integrator side with MBC and JBC (proprietary) and on Interchange side with Java code.
It supports all kinds of databases.
Latest versions support excellent Webtrader functionality with Zookeeper and Cassandra applications that helps high availablity across data centers.
B2Bi latest verisons introduce the concept of Farm clusters which are cluster of clusters.
It can be integrated with Axway Passport and Axway Sentinel for additional features.

My Experience with Axway Decision Insight
Installed several number of instances.
Helped customers in upgrading to the new versions.
Troubleshot the operational issues such as
Out of Memory errors.
Production down related issues
Issues with Paglets and Mashlets
Designed different ways of Integrations with Routes.
Built the mappings and models to develop applications.
- Developed Apache Camel Scripting.
What is Decision Insight:
Axway aquired systar company to expand operational intelliegence capabilities. From an operations standpoint, the Decision Insight platform is a standalone application, running as a single Java process.
Highlighted Features:
Installed in few minutes, startup is quick in time.
No issues once the applications is built and running without any modifications.
It has time machine with which we can see the status of the files in the past at any point of time.
Start and stop of the service is quick in time.
It takes lot of RAM and again it depends on the design of the model and complexity.

My Experience with Axway Mapping Services
Product support for Mapping services.
Installed several number of instances.
Reproduced the reported issues and notified to the bugs to R&D for future services packs.
Troubleshot the operational issues such as
Mapping logic related
The tool crashing related
Deployment of the maps
All other kinds of issues reported to product group.
What is Mapping Services:
Axway Mapping services is built on DML language in an integration engine. DML is about data mapping. The process of mapping data is building new data with a specific format from input data that might or might not come in a different format. Within Sequential Activities, data is processed and mapped by a sub-object named a Mapping Flow
Highlighted Features:
It can be installed on most of the Windows OS machines.
Mapping services version and service pack (also known as B2Bi client) must be in commliant with B2Bi version and service pack. You must read "Read me" before try deploying the map objects.
It has built-in capabilities of generating 1 to 1 map, 1 to XML or vice versa maps automatically.
You can simulate the flow/map from Mapping services without deploying it into the server.

My Experience with Axway Secure Transport
Product support for Secure Transport.
Installed several number of instances.
Reproduced the reported issues and notified to the bugs to R&D for future services packs.
Troubleshot the operational issues such as
Installation and upgrades
File transfer related
Configurations related
What is Secure Transport:
SecureTransport is part of the Axway family of managed file transfer (MFT) products. SecureTransport serves as a hub and router for moving files between humans, systems, and more. SecureTransport also completes tasks related to moving files (push or pull), hosting files in mailboxes or "FTP-like" folders, and provides portal access with configurable workflow for file handling and routing.
Highlighted Features:
It is simple to use. You can turn off the features which ever you do not use such as AS2 or FTP etc.
Easy to configure and stable product.
Custom routes can be defined. Human to system interactions are performed safely.
Multiple JVM's for multiple features. Here features are AS2, FTP, SFTP etc..